Improving the system of extremism prevention among the youth

Бесплатный доступ

In this paper on the basis ща еру analysis of the sociological survey of students of the Institute of State and Law and the Financial and Economic Institute of Tyumen State University relevant aspects of the fight against extremism and its manifestations within the territory of the Russian Federation are revealed. The necessity of improving preventive measures aimed at preventing extremism among the youth is given grounds. In addition, the necessity of preventive measures aimed at detecting and preventing crime of extremist character especially that among minors in secondary and secondary vocational education is given grounds. On the basis of the conducted research proposals to improve the existing legislation aimed at improving the effectiveness of preventive measures in the fight against extremism are formulated. Amendments tp the Federal law of 24.06.1999, № 120-FZ «On the principles of prevention of child neglect and juvenile delinquency» are proposed.


Extremism, prevention, youth, minors, legal regulation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142233708

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