The improvement of technical means of preparation for feeding animals with potatoes tubers

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The aim of the research was to improve technical means intended for tubers cleaning from soil pollution and potato grinding in preparation for feeding animals due to optimal combination of the complex of structural, technological and operational parameters of plants. Structural and technological scheme and the principle of operation of the plant for cleaning from contamination and grinding of potato tubers were described. Experimental studies were conducted on patented installations. Gala potatoes, which on technical requirements do not respond to the categories "food" or "seed" potatoes were used. When carrying out the researches matrixes of five-factorial experiment of Box of the second order on cleaning potatoes and four-factorial experiment of Box of the second order for crushing tuber crops were realized. Specific energy intensity of the processes, the efficiency of cleaning and the quality of potato tubers grinding were chosen as optimization criteria. On the basis of experimental data of modeling and optimization of the design system, technological parameters and operating parameters of potato cleaning, the dependences of the plant performance for various combinations of factors were obtained...


Tubers, potatoes, washing, installation, dry cleaning, chopper

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IDR: 140245589   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2019-11-113-118

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