Improving the creative activity of students through teaching folk tales in the 5th grade in the subject Kyrgyz literature

Автор: Murzaev N.

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Педагогические науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.10, 2024 года.

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Among the various technologies in the era of globalization, the influence of fairy tales is disappearing, and there are people who say that even small children do not read or listen to fairy tales. In fact, this is not the case. The fairy tale, which is an excellent child-rearing tool in the hands of our teachers, may be that among these developing technologies, we ourselves cannot use it properly and in an accessible way. Therefore, first of all, we, teachers, must take care of the fairy tale. The great power of the fairy tale was positively appreciated not only by the nation or the people, but also by humanity as a whole. The fairy tale fosters love for nature, its protection. A tool for fostering love for the Motherland is also a fairy tale. It is also a fairy tale that introduces the bad and the good, black and white in human qualities and teaches you to treat them as they deserve. In a later period, both psychologists and educators advocated the healing properties of fairy tales, calling it “fairy tale therapy”. As the proverb says, “It is better to prevent illness than to treat a patient”, it is necessary to teach children fairy tales both before and at school. When teaching a fairy tale at school, it is important not only to familiarize the child with its main story, but also to get the child to create his own fairy tale - to achieve the creative work of the student. It is not easy for a student to create his own fairy tale. To do this, the teacher and the student must work significantly together. It’s a complicated process. In this article, this complex process is experimented and analyzed in order, rather than rushing. For this purpose, a selection of three essays was presented, written based on one fairy tale and subjected to a special creative and pedagogical analysis.


Story, student, teacher, education, letter, essay, lesson

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IDR: 14129800   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/101/78

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