Soviet poetry as a sourсe of precedent phenomena in mass media discourse of Russia

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The article deals with the precedent phenomena use from the source domain "Soviet Poetry" in mass media of the Russian Federation for the purpose of carrying out the discourse, contextual, linguistic and cognitive analysis of semantics and functionality of precedent phenomena. The author uses the descriptive method including such techniques as observation, cognitive interpretation and classification. The practical material of the article is selected by means of the continuous sampling method. The author pays special attention to pragmatics of using precedent phenomena and considers methods for achieving the purposes of publicists by means of this phenomenon. The results of this paper can be applied in culture-oriented linguistic practice, rhetorics and stylistics, in research of issues connected with national and cultural features of modern Russian society, and also some aspects of cross-cultural communication. Precedent phenomena from the source domain "Soviet Poetry" are an effective means to manifest various ideas of the author, emphasize their expressive, emotional and estimative character.


Soviet poetry, precedent phenomenon, source domain, precedent statement, quotation, mass media, precedent poem''s title, quote

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IDR: 147231980   |   DOI: 10.14529/ling180214

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