Modern verification of the principles of the UN charter: Ukrainian knot

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The article analyzes last violent events in Ukraine, associated with the state coup in February 2014. The author gives them a legal assessment and tries to draw lessons from them for our country. On the basis of the norms of international conventions, the author justifies the right of Russia to criminal prosecution for public incitement to a war of aggression, the rehabilitation of Nazism, terrorism, genocide, the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, mercenaries, obscure disappearances, kidnappings and killings, obstruction of journalistic activity based on the extraterritorial principle of the criminal law in space. This principle is regulated by international agreements and expects to prosecute, regardless of where the crime was committed, those persons who represent a special danger to the public, and their crimes pose a threat to global peace and security.


United nations organization, united nations charter, international law, principles and norms of international law, criminal code of the russian federation, germany, china, denmark, armed conflict, extraterritorial principle of the criminal law in space. donetsk people''s republic, lugansk people''s republic


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