The present state and development prospects of the securities market of Georgia

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The securities market is an important tool in a market economy. We can say that this is an alternative to the banking system. In developed countries, the securities market is much more attractive and efficient to obtain additional financing, since investments in the securities portfolio are often more profitable than bank deposits. In countries such as Georgia, where access to capital is relatively limited, the lack of a functioning and developed capital market further complicates the process of capital formation and economic activity. In addition to the population not able to make large savings, they do not have incentives to save money in conditions of low level of development of the capital market. And those who save money invest in real estate, precious metals and other relatively low-yield assets. The purpose of our research is to discuss the current situation on the securities market in Georgia and to identify the real problems faced by the main participants of the securities market in Georgia, based on the latest literary sources and rich factual materials. The task of the study is to develop ways and prospects for the development of the securities market in Georgia. The theoretical basis of this research is the experience of Georgia and foreign countries, the theories, the conclusion, suggestions and recommendations of scientists and practitioners. During the research were used the methods of statistical observation, grouping and analysis.


Securities market, brokerage company, stock exchange, issuer, debt securities, treasury securities

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IDR: 148319632

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