Current status and trends of defense industry enterprises

Автор: Silkina A.V., Erygina L.V.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.18, 2017 года.

Бесплатный доступ

The article is devoted to the assessment of modern state of enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the analysis of trends and prospects of development. Assessment of the current state was conducted by examining legislative enactments, orders, long-term development strategies of the economy and other documents allowing assessing the quantitative structure of defense industry companies and reflecting their real position. The definition of tendencies of development of the military-industrial complex is made by analyzing the messages of the President to the Federal Assembly for 2010-2015. Almost in each of these messages, one way or another, the President touches on the theme of military-industrial enterprises, reveals further plans for their development, or, after the annual address, there is a list of the orders of the President of the Russian Federation directly related to the defense industry. In the last 5 years the topic of military-industrial enterprises and their development trends are very well represented in the President’s Message, in this regard, this article conducted their analysis and highlighted the key points highlighted in the Letters from 2010 to 2015. The analysis allowed identifying the main directions of further development of defense industry, namely: modernization of production; innovative development; scientific and technological development; the implementation of the rearmament program to 2020; capacity utilization; development of the production of civilian goods; the work on the program of import substitution. The main perspective of the defense enterprises is an innovative development which includes the above trends, and scientific and technological development in this case represents a certain layer, the execution of these prospects. Based on the foregoing, the logical structure of the main trends in the development of enterprises, for each of the schemes justification was created. The typology of enterprises, including such groups as: the research enterprise; the enterprise brand of science; the other (the rest) of the enterprise was proposed. This typology not only helped to divide enterprises according to the nature of the activities, but also on the prospects of innovative development.


Enterprises of the military-industrial complex, defense industry, development prospects, president's message, state of the art defense

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IDR: 148177684

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