Present state of physical education system in Russia: major problems and ways of enhancement

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Objective: to analyze main tendencies in development of present domestic physical education system, to state the range of problems and possible solutions considering applied fundamentals of sportified physical education methodology. Material and methods: analysis of special literature resources and normative legal acts. Results: the paper presents scheme of physical education system and covers analysis of physical education system in Russia relatively to each system component. The authors also analyze achievements of regional and municipal Russian constituent territories in enhancement of physical education system. The paper presents potential of domestic physical education system modernization based on methodological sportification of physical education. Findings: domestic physical education system has been lately trying to overcome crisis phenomena that became aggravated at the turn of the millenium. Federal and regional normative acts allow of forming strong legislative basis for modernization of physical education system, but exact enhancement mechanisms for each system component still do not exist. One of perspective approaches as seen by scientists and practitioners is reforming of physical education system considering fundamentals of sportification and conversion of physical training techniques for the benefit of physical education of adolescents.


Physical education, physical education system, physical education values, culture of sports, sportified physical education, sportification

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IDR: 147153225

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