Modern concepts of teaching non-linguistic students foreign languages in higher education institutions

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Rapid transformations taking place in the Russian economy set new requirements to the quality of foreign language teaching of graduates of non-linguistic higher education institutions. New socio-economic paradigm is set on the transition from the technologies based on the use of energy resources to technologies based on the use of information. Lack of foreign language professionals of various specialties hinders their integration into the global professional community. The article discusses current concepts of teaching foreign languages to students of non-linguistic specialties and analyzes points of view of domestic and foreign scholars on the system and modeling in teaching foreign languages. The author adheres to the provision that the possession of students - future professionals of foreign language communicative competence in higher educational institutions of non-linguistic profile is an essential component of training specialists of any profile. In order to achieve effective results in activities it is necessary to have professional competence, which is manifested in the ability to use the acquired knowledge and skills...


Foreign language teaching, non-linguistic higher education institutions, system-activity approach, competence based approach, modeling

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IDR: 14117013

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