Modern methods of preparing contestants for the international Olympiad on standardization in the Republic of Korea

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The article presents the process of preparing students and schoolchildren for the Olympiad on standardization in the field of ISO standards in 2023 as a unique experience in the field of formation of engineering super-competencies. The uniqueness of the training process lies in the fact that the educational process of the university training methodology had to be projected onto the training of a team consisting of participants of different ages of the Olympiad - from 7th grade schoolchildren to 1st year university students, while laying down super-competencies. The understanding of the material had to be as adaptive as possible for different categories of students. The relevance of the research lies in build-ing up competencies in the field of international projects, contributing to a more extensive familiarization with current tasks in the field of aerospace instrumentation. The article also emphasizes that such Olympiads are important from the point of view of training not only students, but also teachers. An important stage of preparation was the experience of accumulated knowledge in the process of teaching students in the specialty 27.03.01 "Standardization and metrology". The learning process in the article is described based on the analysis of learning systems for students of different ages, the importance of supercompetencies in the modern course of training in technical specialties is presented. The peculi-arity of standardization training is the symbiosis of legal and technical competencies in a single key, because On the one hand, objects of regulatory, technical and legal information are used in the learning process (for example, «Garant» is a member of the Russian Association of Legal Information), on the other hand, it is also necessary to conduct training in the field of technological processes and design documentation, in the field of electrical and circuit engineering.


Standardization in aerospace instrumentation, foreign language, standardization, adaptation of material for different age categories, technology transfer

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328703   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-95-39-44

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