Modern methods of the state land supervision over using and protection of land resources

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The research objective was studying modern means and methods of systematic supervision over the observance of the requirements of the land legislation. The research problems were to study the developed structure of management of bodies of the state supervision of using and protection of lands; to carry out practical carrying out planned administrative inspection; to develop offers on modification of methodology of systematic supervision over the implementation of the requirements of the land legislation with using modern technologies. In the course of implementation of practical carrying out planned administrative inspection on the studied site of the territory of non-profit partnership "Aluminium" 233 land tenure and total land using was revealed, minimum the area of the land plot made 215.37 sq.m, maximum - 3 189.06 sq.m. By comparison of the data of their location to data "Public cadastral card" it was established that 170 sites had had the specified borders, among them 12 land tenure and land use support in the structure more than one land the plot, put on the state cadastral registration (i.e. are used as uniform land use), and at 63 sites of the data on the borders were missing When comparing of the received results with types of the allowed use of the land plots in the surveyed territory signs of inappropriate use at 32 land plots with a total area of 17 227.59 sq.m were revealed, thus all violations fall on the sites intended for conducting gardening. The offers on modification of methodology of systematic supervision over implementation of the requirements of the land legislation with using modern technologies, in particular with application of remotesensing instruments, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) were developed.


State land supervision, land protection, land plot, inspections, violations, permitted use of land, purpose of land, unmanned aerial vehicles

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250560   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-11-24-29

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