Modern directions of the social and cultural work with young people

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The article considers the youth as object and subject of social and cultural activities. According to the author, involve young people to the values of national culture contributes to maintaining the integrity of our country and its development. Since the priority of the state policy today is to educate the younger generation in accordance with humanistic principles, social and cultural work with young people carried out in the state, the community level, as well as with the assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church. The article reflects the forms and methods of working with young people that have an important educational value, helping young people to integrate into the fabric of society at different levels of development and operation. These aspects of social and cultural work we include the promotion of vocational guidance and career aspirations of young people, involving it in volunteer activities, the formation of the young people of traditional family values and patriotic education of youth, youth involvement in creative activities, joining it to a healthy lifestyle and sports, prevention of extremism and the development of international relations, support for young people with special needs and others.


Youth, basis of state cultural policy, directions of social and cultural work, social partnership

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