Modern general theoretical basis for the further development of Russian agrarian law

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Principles of society state legal development in modern conditions necessitate the further scientific development of theoretical foundations of agrarian law in the post-Soviet Russian Federation. It is due to the fact that the general theoretical part of agrarian law of the Russian Federation is still based on the conclusions drawn in the Soviet times. In such event, the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 is used mainly formally, without careful thought of those provisions that are new and relevant to modern achievements of the world state legal science. In the article, modern general theoretical provisions are drawn and in the author's opinion, today's agricultural law of the Russian Federation in its further development must be based on these provisions. In particular, agrarian law of modern Russia should be based on historically formed social science approach to the explanation of human development. Agrarian law of modern Russia, more deeply should be based on Articles 1, 2, 3 and, particularly, on the 18th Article of the current Constitution of our country.


Agrarian law, agricultural law, legal science, constitution, civil society, agrarian and legal

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IDR: 142232726

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