Modern problems of forensic expert activities in Russia

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The problem of the use of special knowledge while investigating and trying criminal cases constantly draws attention of scientists and practicians. At the same time, the current procedural legislation and normative base regulating forensic expert activities in Russia need additional scientific researches. The foregoing predetermined the necessity of legal analysis of forensic expert activities at the present stage of legislation development, recognition of the topical issues arising in this sphere and suggestions of further ways of improvement. Certain aspects, which are subject to improvement in the Draft Federal Law "On forensic expert activities in the Russian Federation», are revealed. The author initiates legislation in order to improve the current Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, as well as the Draft Federal Law "On forensic expert activities in the Russian Federation" that will allow to solve a number of problems of law enforcement officials arising in the course of implementation of forensic expert activities.


Expert opinion, expert research, proof, other document, non-state expert institution, forensic expert activities, special knowledge

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IDR: 142232719

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