Modern recommendations about treatment of constrictive laryngotracheitis at children

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Constrictive laryngotracheitis (CLT) remains the frequent reason of the request of the children's population for emergency medical service, and the number of addresses doesn't tend to decrease. The principles of maintaining patients existing now with CLT at a pre-hospital stage include carrying out the medical actions directed on reduction of expressiveness of respiratory insufficiency and degree of throat stenosis, and, as a rule, evacuation of the child in a hospital. At the same time at overwhelming number of patients which ached symptoms of obstruction are stopped at home that calls into question need of hospitalization of such patients in view of possibility of their further treatment in the conditions of out-patient and polyclinic link. Modern approaches to therapy of croup assume early, including at a pre-hospital stage, use of inhalation glucocortocosteroids (GKS) in high (1-2 mg) doses. Wide positive international experience of application, the minimum risk of side effects, and also modern domestic standards and clinical protocols allow to consider the inhalation of GKS as choice preparations at treatment of sick CLT.


Constrictive laryngotracheitis, children, inhalation glucocorticosteroids

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