Modern leisure: between freedom and consumption

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This article discusses the features of leisure in modern consumer society, which is dominated by consumer activity of people, which leads to disproportions between self-organized and organized forms of leisure. The structure of free time is dominated by forms that do not require a person's own participation, social and cultural activity, creativity. This problem of freedom of choice of leisure forms and growth of leisure services consumption is reflected in different degrees in the works of domestic and foreign researchers of leisure. In foreign studies of leisure, specific and rather specific types of leisure have been identified, in which the demand for consumption is not predominant, but which can be generally useful for personal and or social well-being (developing activities that are maximally addressed to the abilities of the actor (participant), forming new knowledge, skills, i.e. “developing experience”; serious leisure (amater art, Amateur, etc.); leisure experiments in the border zones of culture). The inclusion of a person in such leisure practices on the basis of free choice always has a positive effect on the growth of his overall “well-being”. In purposeful work on the organization of leisure it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its regulation in the changing conditions of modern consumer society.


Consumer society, free time, leisure, social functions of leisure, freedom of choice of leisure, "serious leisure", social and cultural activity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144161310   |   DOI: 10.24411/1997-0803-2019-10513

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