New hybrid of zucchini squash in Western Siberia

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Zucchini is maturity, high yielding culture, refers to the form pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.), capable of providing valuable products in the spring and sum-mer. The aim of the research was to expand the assortment zucchini by removing ripening, stress-resistant forms. The main objective of the study was to create a new hybrid zucchini squash with high-economically valuable traits and resistance to major diseases in the region, adapted for cultivation in Siberia. The work was carried out in 2014-2015 in the fields of breeding “West Siberian Vegetable Research Station of All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture” using conventional techniques in horticulture: Fursa, TB, Litvinov SS Dospehova BF etc. As a result of many years of breeding work has been displayed, it is described and submitted to the State variety testing new hybrid zucchini Priobsky F1. It significantly exceeded the standard Beluha on commodity yields of 14.7 t / hectare (23.0 %), impact of early harvest of 10 t / hectare (78.7 %), resistance to bacteriosis. It has a high marketability of products 95.1 %. Fruits hybrid have high taste in the stew. Due to an early gain and commodity crop conditional net income from hybrid Priobsky of 141.9 thousand. rub. / hectare. The hybrid is rec-ommended for cultivation in the open ground in the peasant farm and garden crops in Western Siberia.


Selection, zucchini, variety, lines, hybrid, precocity, yield, disease resistance, biochemical composition of fruits, squash

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IDR: 14084641

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