Spatial Organization of the National Economy in the Development of Non-Ferrous Metal Deposits in the Western Part of the Russian Arctic
Автор: Belov S.V., Skripnichenko V.A.
Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north
Рубрика: Social and economic development
Статья в выпуске: 50, 2023 года.
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The article analyzes the possibilities of studying the issues of the interterritorial distribution of the economy, taking into account maritime communications in the development of solid minerals in the western sector of the Russian Arctic on the basis of interaction of national and corporate interests at the regional level. Relatively large deposits of solid minerals are located in this region. The development of non-ferrous metal deposits, taking into account the requirements of rational nature management, is the engine of economic development in the western Arctic regions of Russia. An urgent task is the scientific substantiation of favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of marine activities, necessary technological and human potential, economic benefits from the use of domestic marine potential, mineral resources and spaces of the western part of the Russian Arctic in the interests of national security, economic development and improving the welfare of citizens of the Russian Federation. The information framework is based on the experience of developing lead-zinc ore deposits in the Arctic. The topic under study is consistent with the provisions of regional and sectoral economics, as well as spatial economics. This scientific basis makes it possible to substantiate the spatial organization of the national economy in the development of solid minerals in the western part of the Russian Arctic.
Spatial organization, national economy, solid minerals, marine communication
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IDR: 148329277 | DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2023.50.5
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