Specificity of R. Kipling's «maly prose» 1880 - 1890 years

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The article deals with the complex approach towards the specificity of R. Kipling's «maly prose» 1880-1890 years. The special attention is paid to the peculiarity of his short stories written during this period. The stories written by R. Kipling at the end of the XIX-th century, as our analysis shows it up, is in many respects connected with depicting true of life Indian reality and reflects R. Kipling's personal vision and his appraisal of the situation in this country.

Short story, genre, image, character, feature reality, novel, composition, plot, writer's point of view, sketch, novelette, storyteller

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14899940

IDR: 14899940

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