The specifics of the motivational causes of juvenile delinquency

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The article examines the problem of motivation of illegal behavior of minors. This issue requires independent study in order to prevent juvenile delinquency. The author analyzes the dependence of the motivational change in juvenile delinquency on the complex of social and psychological characteristics of children: the weakening of the social institution of the family, different levels of material well-being, age characteristics. The author believes that solving the problem of the growth of juvenile delinquency requires a systematic approach, which should involve all levels of society, including law enforcement agencies, educational organizations, families, and public organizations.


Minors, crime, motivation, motivation of crime, deviant behavior, prevention of juvenile delinquency

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170203397   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-3-46-48

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