Specific of the headlines and finals complex of the Kolymskie stories written by V. Shalamov

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The main research in this article is focused on the poetics of headlines and finals of the «Kolymskie stories» written by V. Shalamov which, according to the author's opinion, has some peculiar features. The author marks out the genre nomination in the title of the stories which gives an opportunity to different interpretations of the text: in the tradition of indicated genre (story), also from the point of view that the text is full of cultural heritage («tale» is from «to tell», that is to relate about one's past). Moreover, possessive pronoun «kolymskie» allows interpreting the title of the stories dually: either it's the stories about Kolyma or the stories by Kolyma itself. The analysis of such a rare method as post final brings to the conclusion that entirely the complex of headlines and finals of «Kolymskie stories» is distinguished for its emphatic textual lying beyond of the bounds since the kolym narration, to the writer's idea, overcomes the text's bounds and approximates to the being.


Genre nomination, postfinal, text boundaries, v. shalamov, "kolymskie stories", poetics of headlines and finals, ambivalence

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147153720

IDR: 147153720

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