Sport and Security — New Technologies

Автор: Nikolett Á. Tóth

Журнал: Виктимология @victimologiy

Рубрика: Зарубежный опыт

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.8, 2021 года.

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The aim of the study is to present legal innovation, the police forces and the innovative technical and technological solutions and the links between them, which are of utmost importance in sports policing work. Sports events tend to have more and more show elements, which sets new security requirements. Security is in “follow-on mode”, as incidents and terrorist acts result in constant revisiting of the definition of security. Thus, experts of both theory and practice have a great responsibility. In recent decades, IT storage capacities, data processing and data transmission systems, IT tools and technologies have also evolved tremendously. In the 21st century our everyday life is shaped by technology and this is true of the world of sport — among other things — and, to a growing extent, of sport policing, too. Also, peak performance, similarly to guaranteeing security, requires cutting-edge technology, anyway. In the European Football Championship 2020, to be only held in 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 12 countries are involved in the organisation. The event is also attract particular attention because of the 60th anniversary of the European Football Championship. In this relation I consider that presenting the operation and collaboration of the new innovative tools, technologies and the legal means introduced and applied in the area of sports policing is of key importance.


Sports policing, sports event, football hooliganism, security, safety, law enforcement, concept of sport policing, regulatory and technology innovation, drone detection, face recognition, data protection, privacy, COVID-19 pandemic, security and safety regulations of UEFA European Champion


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14120733

Список литературы Sport and Security — New Technologies

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  • Krasnova K.A. The Importance of Educational and Outreach Activities in Preventing Corruption in Professional Sports. Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya fizicheskoj kul’tury i sporta [Problems and prospects of development of physical culture and sports.] Materials XVIII All-Russian scientific-practical conference; 2020 Nov. 18; Kemerovo: Kemerovo State University; 2020. С. 88-90. (in Russ.)
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  • Decree of the Minister of the Interior 78/2015 (XII. 23.) on the detailed rules of the operation of the facial image analysis system, Paragraph 2(1).
  • Act XXXIV of 1994 on the Police, paragraph 29 (4).
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