Method for surgical treatment of cardioesophageal cancer in elderly patients and patients with concomitent pathology

Автор: Nechunaev V.P., Shoikhet Ya.N., Lasarev A.F., Ageev A.G., Panasyan A.U.

Журнал: Сибирский онкологический журнал @siboncoj

Рубрика: Опыт работы онкологических учреждений

Статья в выпуске: 1 (25), 2008 года.

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A simple, non-traumatic method of surgical treatment for cardioesophageal cancer has been designed. This method provides the optimal access to organs of abdominal and pleural cavities on the left side and allows an easy application of intrapleural esophageal anastomosis that makes it effective for treating elderly patients and patients with concomitant cardiorespective pathology.

Cardioesophageal cancer, surgical treatment, diaphragmotomia

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IDR: 14054830

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