The way of receiving antler extracts on high intensity ultrasonic installation

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The research objective was to develop the way of receiving antler extracts by application of ultrasonic installation of high intensity. As the material for carrying out the experiments crude and canned maral velvet antlers were used. Laboratory tests were carried out on ultrasonic technological device of the “Volna” series,UZTA-0.2/22-OM model. At the first stage the definition of the quantity of maral antlers, necessary for the achievement of the solution of medical and balneological concentration was carried out, crude - in a dose 0.8; 1.0; 1.5 g/l and preserved - in a dose 0.6; 0.68; 0.87; 1.2 g/l at different temperature of ultrasonic extraction 45; 55; 65; 75 °C. The establishment of biological activity of antler water extract was carried out according to the technique for the definition of the indicator of an extinction which had to be in the range from 0.12 to 0.46. The quality of extraction was estimated on the exit of biologically active agents by the definition of dry rest. By the results of the research the necessary mass of loading was established, for example application of 1.0 g/l of crude and 0.6-0.68 g/l of canned maral velvet antlers within 45-60 minutes allowed receiving the solution of medical and balneological concentration. The second investigation phase was devoted to studying the quality indicators of ultrasonic extraction by the definition of the exit of solids. Authentically high exit of solids at the extraction of crude maral antlers, and weight was established to loading of 1.0 g/l - 55.6 % (r function show_eabstract() { $('#eabstract1').hide(); $('#eabstract2').show(); $('#eabstract_expand').hide(); }


Antlers, deer, antler bath, extinction indicator

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250619   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-5-142-146

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