Method of electric energy accounting

Автор: Trotsenko V.V., Zabudsky A.I., Shimokhin A.V.

Журнал: Вестник Омского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-omgau

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2 (30), 2018 года.

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As known, tariffs should stimulate electrical consumers energy to equalize the daily load. This allows to increase efficiency of power plants, that is, reduce the cost price of production of electric energy and reduce its losses during transmitting. For the consumer, the alignment of the daily load schedule is related, as rule, with the implementation of organizational measures to change daily schedule of production processes and regime human activity, the introduction of automation technology processes, installations, machines and so on. At the present time it is possible to use the electricity meters with different tariffs. Consumers of electricity are provided with a choice of three types of tariff accounting: single-entry; two-story; differentiated in two zones days (daytime zone (7.00-23.00) night zone (23.00-7.00)); differentiated according to the three zones of the day (peak zone (07.00-10.00 and 17.00-21.00), the night zone (23.00-7.00), the half-peak zone (10...


Economy, energy costs, energy indicator, two-rate meters

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