Comparative assessment of cultivation conditions of rabbits of breed silvery on productive and biological indicators

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The age and environment conditions must be taken into account to consider if the breeding of these animals can have impact on reproductive indicators of rabbits. Researches were conducted in 2013 in JSC “Fur Farming Association”, Kemero-vo region, the settlement Kuzbass. For the first time in Kemerovo region productive and biological fea-tures of rabbits of silvery breed, grown up on differ-ent technologies were estimated in complex. Ac-celeration way of rabbit's breeding of this breed is based on data. Acceleration way of cultivation of rabbits of silvery breed had impact on productive and biological features. The live mass of rabbits at the age of 120 days made in acceleration rabbit breeding was 4 100.65 g, and in traditional rabbit breeding it was 3 850.54 g. Indicators of reproduc-tive qualities at rabbits-accelerates were higher, than in control group: multiple pregnancy was for 7.2 %, safety of young growth to 21-day age in ac-celeration rabbit breeding made 98.1 %. Live weight of rabbits, grown up on an acceleration way to 5-month is surpassed for 4.41 % the mass of representatives from control group and made 5.2 kg. At slaughter it allowed to get the carcass weighing 3.58 kg exceeding the mass of a carcass in a traditional rabbit breeding for 10.13 %. At ac-celeration technology skins of better quality were received from rabbits: at them the area and a skin mass for 7.1 and 5.53 % was respectively higher. The number of hair on 1 cm2 of the area of skin was 5.15 % more in comparison with control group. The level of profitability ofproduction of meat of rabbits made at traditional technology was 17 %, at the acceleration group it was 39 %.


Rabbit of breed silvery, acceleration rabbit breeding, traditional rabbit breeding, shed

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084620

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