The comparative analysis of digital indicators on seedings, crop and amount of grain in rural store shops of Arkhangelsk province in 1870-1886

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The paper represents the comparative analysis of digital indicators on the grain stored in bakery store shops and taken as loan from them, and also data on the seedings and corn crops presented in reports of the governors and reports of the Commission on National Provisioning to the Ministry of State Property of the Arkhangelsk province for 1870-1886. The first type of sources was kept in the Russian State Historical Archive (RSHA), the second - in the State Archive of the Arkhangelsk region (SAAR. The historical documents allowing to expand the idea on the activity of bakery store shops and to reveal productivity of agriculture, are introduced in the scientific turnover.The analysis of digital indicators from different archives, for availability andvisualization, are tabulated, that allows to reveal both compliances, and distinctions. At comparative analysis of materials from two archives the essential difference in digital indicators on the quantity of the grain stored in bakery store shopsand taken as loan from them is observed. In reports of the governor the overes-timated indicates of the stored bread and the underestimated indicates of the grain taken as loan are presented as compared with the data provided by theCommittee on National Provisioning of the Arkhangelsk province to the Ministry of State Property. The explanation lies in the desire of the governor to em-bellish the state of things in the province. While the data sent to the Ministry ofState Property were checked by the Control Chamber which was competent in problems of provisions supply in regions, and in case of discrepancy sent claims.Therefore, most likely, they reflected real state of things in bakery shops in the province.Figures on the seedings and corn crops are almost identical in materials of RGIA and GAAO funds that speaks of the lack of any falsifications in the given seg-ment of the reporting.


Arkhangelsk province, archival materials, rural store shops, crop, analysis, archive, seedings

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IDR: 14992756

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