The comparative analysis of cytogenetics assay and ultrasonic data of thyroid glands of children and teenagers living on the contaminated areas of Kaluga and Oryol oblasts since the Chernobyl accident

Автор: Sevankaev A.V., Parshin V.S., Mikhailova G.F., Khvostunov I.K., Tsepenko V.V., Potetnya O.I., Golub E.V., Pyatenko V.S., Pozdyshkina O.V., Omaraskhabov N.O.

Журнал: Радиация и риск (Бюллетень Национального радиационно-эпидемиологического регистра) @radiation-and-risk

Рубрика: Научные статьи

Статья в выпуске: 1-2 т.15, 2006 года.

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The paper presents the results of examination of children and teenagers living on the contaminated areas of Oryol (248 subjects) and Kaluga (224 subjects) oblasts since the Chernobyl accident occurred. The goal of the study was carrying out a comparative analysis the results of cytogenetic assay and estimation of morphologic-function status of thyroid glands by ultrasonic exclusion. The study was consisted of synchronous ultrasonic diagnosis and cytogenetic analysis of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes performed in 1998 and 2003 years in two oblasts respectively. Based on combined cytogenetic data it was found no significant discrepancy between healthy and thyroid gland pathology subjects studied in both oblasts. At once the subgroup with high level of chromosomal aberrations exhibited elevated percentage of thyroid diseases compared with the subgroup with low level of chromosomal aberrations, namely by 15% for Kaluga and by 25 % for Oryol oblasts. The highest level of thyroid gland disease incidence was found in the subgroup of subjects with high level of chromosomal aberrations who was born in 1986-1987 years, that is by 44 % for Kaluga and by 110 % for Oryol oblasts.


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170169897

Статья научная