The comparative analysis of the reposition potentials of transosseous devices operating on the basis of computer navigation and the Ilizarov fixator

Автор: Solomin L., Vilensky V., Utekhin A., Terrel V.

Журнал: Гений ортопедии @geniy-ortopedii

Рубрика: Оригинальные статьи

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2009 года.

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The aim of the study was to compare the reduction potentials of devices, which operate on the basis of passive computer navigation - hexapods (SUV-Frame, Taylor Spatial Frame, Ilizarov Hexapod Apparatus), and the Ilizarov fixator. The potentials of bone fragment reposition have been analyzed in the devices mentioned for three standard planes and for six degrees of freedom. 48 series of experiment have been performed. It has been revealed that among the devices with passive computer navigation characteristics SUV-Frame construction affords the best potentials as regards distraction, translation, angulation of bone fragments and rotation. In the aggregate, the Ilizarov fixator provides the best qualities of bone fragment movement in comparison with hexapods, however, mounting a special unified unit is necessary to correct every component of deformity.


Transosseous osteosynthesis, computer navigation, hexapods, reposition

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IDR: 142121176

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