Stalin’s NeoNEP as the precursor of mass repressions of 1937-38s in the European North

Автор: Sergey I. Shubin

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Historical sciences

Статья в выпуске: 17, 2014 года.

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The article reveals the author's version of one of the causes of mass repressions of 1937-38 arising from the phenomenon of NeoNEP (New Economic Policy) of 1934-1936, which lasted for a short time in the country after the derationing and a kind of a respite after the overarching of the new Bolshevikbuilt socialism.

NeoNEP, derationing, results of the "great" fracture, accusations of sabotage, mass repressions and their consequences

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IDR: 148319810

Список литературы Stalin’s NeoNEP as the precursor of mass repressions of 1937-38s in the European North

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