The constant presence of the matters of human rights and freedoms

Автор: Dunđerski Borivoje

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Review paper

Статья в выпуске: 4-6 vol.28, 2011 года.

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There is a great social importance of international, regional, state and practically individual character of realization and protection of human rights and freedoms. The first international document which regulated human rights in an universal and authentic way was the French Declaration of Human Rights from the 18th century. All previous documents do not refer to authentic and universal natural laws given to a man by his birth, but all those previous rights being included in certain documents were an expression of a ruler's will, whether an individual or oligarchic groups as a kind of octroyed rights which were not permanent and universal, but partial and changeable. As a forerunner of modern and universal human rights there has been taken the English Law of Rights - Bill of Rights from 1689. Then, there is the Manifesto of thirteen independent American states from 1776 being related to the American Revolution and mentioned as a period of acknowledgment of human rights in the state legislation and legal acts. We should point out that international standards concerning human rights are, first of all, and above all, given in the General Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations from 1948 representing the most important human rights codification, so that human rights tree has branched out all over the planet. In the broadest sense human rights can be determined as a minimum of moral-political and socio-economical demands of citizens in relation to government authorities. The realization of these rights is a prerequisite condition of a basic biological, political and cultural existence of individuals. In other words, they represent a condition of living fit to a man and his humane and creative nature. Such human rights come out from the basic character of a man as the most perfect, planning and common-sense creature.


Human rights, natural laws, human dignity, human life, state, objective law, subjective law, the declarations of human rights

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