The standards used in the field of carrying out organoleptic tests

Автор: Berketova Lidia, Ponomareva Olga, Yelyakina Elena

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 8 (21), 2017 года.

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As science, sensory (organoleptic) analysis is based on the requirements for these tests, set out in the normative and technical documents of international and Russian standards, which reflect the requirements of the methodology of organoleptic test. These include a series of standards: GOST ISO, GOST R ISO, GOST R and GOST. According to all-Russian classifier of standards (OKS), these documents are in the group “67. Manufacture of food products” in particular in the subgroup “67.240 - Sensory analysis”. All normative documents in this area can be divided into several major groups that reflect and prescribe requirements in a particular segment of the touch research. These standards include: terms and definitions in the field of sensory analysis give a clear understanding of certain concepts, stimuli and sensations, the description of the investigational products; requirements for testers and experts who conducted a sensory test of products - requirements for sensory sensitivity (taste, olfactory, tactile and color) ability to describe the proposed products and characterize them in terms of quality indicators; requirements for the design of facilities for sensory research - the minimum necessary set of premises and suggestions for their layout requirements for kitchenware (utensils, rules of marking) and products (number of products for research and the procedure for its submission for testing) and methods of sensory analysis (discrimination, descriptive, using scales and categories). Considered normative documentation at the time of adoption and its validity: valid documents, which are introduced from July 2017 and entered in return current. The existing regulatory framework covers the requirements for all the basic directions for testing and obtaining reliable from a statistical point of view results that allow for a sensory analysis with a high degree of objective conclusions about the quality of the products.


Sensory analysis, international standards for conducting sensory analysis, test methods in sensory (organoleptic) analysis

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14111694   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.842920

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