The formation and the functioning of a dual administration system in Liaodong region in the time of Qing dynasty (the second half of XVII - the first half of XVIII century)

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The paper deals with the beginnings and gradual forming of administration system in Liaodong region. Liaodong was the domain of the ruling dynasty. This is the southern part of the Northeastern region of China, which was considered by the Qing dynasty as the zone of special interests, occupying an important place in the policy of Qing court. Prevailing here territorial-administrative division and control system was different from the one that existed on the territory of China. The control system of Liaodong region had significant differences from control of the rest of Northeast China. In the Northeast Chinese civil population was small and almost for two hundred years, the military-administrative control system there was headed by jiangjun - military governors. Before the arrival of Chinese settlers into the territory of Liaodong in this area existed a single control system, the entire population was included into the «eight banners» system and was under the control of the military «eight banners» administration headed by аngbang-zhangjing (army-rank). With the introduction and gradual increase of Chinese settlers in Liaodong region begins to form the civil administration. In 1653 were organized traditional Chinese administrative units: two districts Liaoyang and Haicheng. These two districts were the first administrative bodies which appeared in Liaodong and generally in the Northeast, to control non-military Chinese migrants. For administrative control over these two districts also was created a regional management Liaoyangfu with the center in town Liaoyang. In July 1657 the regional center was moved to Mukden and regional management Fengtianfu was established instead of Liaoyangfu. Since that time, this regional management had special administrative apparatus. Chinese migrants were included in the lists of the taxable population, which existed simultaneously with the control apparatus of the «eight banners» military population headed by jiangjun yamen - office of jiangjun. Thus began to form a dual administration system in Liaodong region. In the future, the regional administration subordinate to one prefecture, two counties and seven districts, and this structure persisted for a long time. The study of administration system allows saying that until the first half of XVIII century there was the special dual administration system in Liaodong region: separate direction of the Chinese civilians and the «eight banners» military population. Exactly in this area arose a dual system of administrative control - «banner» administration headed by mukden jiangjun and civil headed by fengtianfu fuyin. At the same time the Qing government has pursued a transformation in the reporting period to improve the functioning of the control system, adapting it to the changing situation in the Liaodong region.


Qing dynasty, administration system, liaodong region, military officials, civil officials, the chinese-migrants

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IDR: 147219081

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