Development of planigraphic studies in archaeology in Russia (Upper Paleolithic)

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Purpose. The article deals with history of planigraphic studies concerning Stone Age objects in Russia. Most important steps include improvement of the technique of field research, perception of the cultural layer as an important historical source, and use of the results of natural science analysis in archaeological research. However, researchers face quite a number of challenges. Of paramount importance is the researcher's approach as well as the level of archaeology reached. The author analyzes the features of Upper Paleolithic research which predetermined the development of planigraphic studies in Russia. Results. We considered most research works in the field of Upper Paleolithic spatial analysis, as well as the historiographical literature available and described the evolution of the method and the main stages of the planigraphic studies in Paleolithic's research in Russia. Special attention was paid to the issues which appeared at different stages and presented a problem. Development of the field research techniques is directly connected with the development of Upper Paleolithic sites spatial analysis. Conclusion. Planigraphic studies in Russia have a long history and went through a number of stages. They were introduced when techniques of field research were improved in the first third of the 20th century, which required drawing the stratigraphic section and the plan, fixing every artifact separately including the artifacts of the lithic industry splitting, fragments of bones, etc. The main problem at this stage was a lack of the standard for archaeological excavation, which resulted in some archaeologists' innovative experiences being neglected. The second stage was achieved when excavations were done by wide squares, which took place in the 1930s. This stage is characterized by wide scale sociological reconstructions, which was considered the main purpose of archaeological research at those times, special attention to the horizontal plan of Upper Paleolithic sites and intentions to explore the site area entirely. At the same time, some simplifications were allowed, such as that the bottom of the cultural layer was considered the most important part of the site. In the 1980s, new theories appeared on the general structure of the cultural layer. Based on the experience accumulated, these theories described the structure of the cultural layer, processes of its development and destruction, methods of research used, etc. Spatial research had to answer some new questions, such as how long the site was occupied, whether the different objects on the site were synchronous, what kind of economy the people had, etc. Field research techniques and its technical base were improved, too. Besides, this stage was characterized by cooperation with geologists, which became common for studying Upper Paleolithic artifacts and widened the methods used. Currently, planigraphic studies use a wide range of natural sciences methods, including the technique of three-dimensional modeling. They help to reveal and describe the planigraphic structures objectively.


Northern eurasia, upper paleolithic, research technique, cultural layer, planigraphic analysis

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IDR: 147219815   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2017-16-7-26-38

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