Statistical analysis of the relationship of constructive characteristics of aircrafts

Автор: Balaban E.I., Bunakov P. Yu., Galchenko A.V., Tegin V.A.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Авиационная и ракетно-космическая техника

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.18, 2017 года.

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The subject of this research is modern domestic and foreign aviation technology. Technical specifications of civilian and military transport aircrafts, 25 of which made in Russia and 54 abroad, were inspected. The main purpose of investigation is exploration of dependences between aviation technology development and certain major aircraft parameters. Correlation and regression analysis was used for research of dependences as mathematical apparatus. The article contains the results of statistical analysis of relationship between chosen aircraft parameters. The most correlation was found between payload capacity and unloaded plane weight. This was the reason for further analysis and development of dependences. As a result of this analysis all aircrafts were divided by the following parameters: dry weight (less then 75 tons and more than this value) and the place of origin (Russian and foreign). Chow’s test was used to examine the applicability of such grouping. Linear model of dependences gives the same accuracy as nonlinear model so it was used in this research. Dependence of aircraft payload on dry weight was obtained for aircrafts of all groups. Integrated parameters were used for analysis. Confidential intervals for dependence of aircraft payload on dry weight prediction was found. Parameters of only 7 aircrafts were out of 90 % interval. Domestic aircrafts have more payload spread and on the average trail by 2.5 tons of foreign ones. Statistical principles obtained using chosen mathematical apparatus allow analyzing existing design technologies and prognosing the level of development aircraft construction. The similar method of research can be used in various areas of development and manufacturing prospective high tech production, including space-rocket hardware.


Aircraft, payload, take-off mass, constructional perfection, correlation coefficient, regression equation

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IDR: 148177667

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