Attitudes and knowledge of handball use and abuse of banned substances (stimulants, narcotics, anabolic steroids, diuretics, peptide hormones) in sports

Автор: Stanislav Dragutinović, Martin Ćorluka, Ratko Pavlović

Журнал: Sport Mediji i Biznis @journal-smb

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.3, 2017 года.

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The problem of this work are forms of doping behaviour and the potential impact of different predictive factors on doping behaviour of handball players. Looking at the problem of this paper, its main goal was to determine the differential effects of selected social, demographic, health and sports predictors on doping-factors in handball. The sample of respondents consisted of 150 handball players of the highest caliber competitions in BiH, 70 juniors and 80 seniors. The sample of variables is divided into two sets, predictor variables and criterion variables, which were collected by the questionnaire. The methods of analyses included descriptive statistical procedures, analysis of the differences and the analysis of the relationships. The data analysis brought us to the following results and the conclusion. Playing sports to same extent is a protective factor in the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol. Knowledge of supplementation with handball players is very small, juniors claimed a daily diet is sufficient, while seniors find it necessary to add supplements. Ignorance about supplementation represents a high risk of potential doping behaviour. However, there are also limiting factors in the use of supplementation such as financial issues. It is believed that there is doping among top handball players.


Handball, Nutrition, Substance, Doping

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IDR: 170203672

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