Sport Mediji i Biznis
Sport, Media and Business is a journal categorized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Since 2023, the journal has been published biennially by the Faculty of Sport of the University “Union – Nikola Tesla” in Belgrade. The journal publishes scientific and professional articles.
The journal publishes papers in two languages, Serbian (the Cyrillic alphabet only) and English. The Editorial Board reserves the right to proofread and edit all the papers in accordance with the current standards of the Serbian and English language.
All submitted papers must contain research content that has not been published before in English or any other language. Also, they must not be in the selection process of any other journal and their publication must be approved by all the authors. Papers in extenso that have previously been partially presented at a scientific/professional meeting can also be accepted; authors are obliged to indicate that accordingly. The publisher reserves the right to check the originality of the submitted paper using specialized plagiarism detection software.
For the publication of papers in special issues of the journal Sport, Media and Business, the editor-in-chief will, before forwarding the paper to the Editorial Board, take into consideration the suggestion of the editor of the special issue (guest-editor), if one has been appointed.
- Sport Mediji i Biznis
- Спорт Медиjи и Бизнис
- Sport, Media and Business
Fakultet za sport Univerziteta „Union – Nikola Tesla“
Факултет за спорт, Универзитет „Унион-Никола Тесла“
Faculty of Sport of the University “Union – Nikola Tesla”
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Статьи журнала

The factors of service quality in ski tourism on the example of the Republic of Serbia
Статья научная
The aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the current models of service quality in ski tourism with a practical implication on the example of the Republic of Serbia. Nowadays, ski tourism has evolved into an important segment of the winter tourism industry in Europe. Its development was encouraged by the popularisation of skiing as a sport, as well as the growth of the number of people who ski professionally or recreationally.The studies from relevant publishers have been dealt with the concept of travellers’ motivation in ski tourism from different point of views such as, the aspect of sustainable development in tourism, quality management, marketing strategy and customer satisfaction. When defining the research scope, it was noted that service quality represents an important driver of motivation in sports tourism. However, there is a certain research gap in exploring the factors that affect the service quality in winter sports, and in particular models and instruments that could provide their better understanding. In accordance with this statement, the research question in the study was to analyse the main deter-minants of service quality in ski tourism in the Republic of Serbia and to compare their relevance among the respondents belonging to different countries of origin and gender. The theoretical research presented in this paper was based on the appli-cation of a systematic literature review that has included relevant studies dealing with the concept of service quality in winter sport tourism. In addition, empirical research was conducted to address the research question in finding the factors that influence the service quality in ski tourism. The research was based on a sample of 208 skiers who visited the Republic of Serbia during the winter seasons in years 2023 and 2024. In the analysis and interpretation of the data, descriptive statistics, com-pare means and factor analysis were used.

The role of the media in creating the image of a tourist destination
Статья научная
The issue of image, personal, organizational, brand, destination, is one of the most important issues that attracts the attention of the social, business and scientific public. This paper draws attention to the need for a comprehensive tre-atment of the image, the mechanisms of its formation, and especially to the diffi-culties of considering the image phenomenon in isolation, separated from its basis - identity. Numerous studies of the image of tourist destinations in the past decades, mostly of an empirical nature, remain on the surface of this phenomenon. Their results do not contribute to a deeper understanding of this phenomenon, primarily due to the absence of an appropriate conceptualization and theoretical framework. Regarding the image of the destination, the most important thing is, of course, its end result, but the analysis of the image phenomenon, the separation of one into its constituent factors, different, opposite and contradictory, reveals levers whose sha-ping and use can influence the end result - the image. The role of mass media in this process, especially in the digital era, is very significant, but not decisive.

Communication between coach and athlete
Статья научная
The coach and athlete relationship is interaction in which the thoughts, feelings and behavior of the coach and athlete are causally linked. The quality of the relationship between coach and athlete affects the achievement and psychological well-being of athlete. It is desirable that the relationship between coaches and ath-letes is based on respect, understanding, acceptance, tolerance and cooperation. The quality of the relationship between coach and athlete affects interpersonal and intrapersonal outcomes through communication. Communication is a process that depends on its participants. It implies a circular process of influence. The athlete's behavior affects the coach's behavior, and the coach's behavior in turn affects the athlete's behavior. The article presents guidelines for improving communication and constructively resolving conflicts between coaches and players.

The analysis of furnishing and designing of diagnostic centers within sports objects
Статья научная
The increasing development of mankind can be seen in the progress in the design of sports facilities which must satisfy certain high standards of construction and equipment and which need to offer a maximum number of services in their envi-ronment in order to meet the needs of customers. One of the major positive influ-ences on users includes opening diagnostic centers within sports objects which must be furnished properly and functionally. When furnishing and designing the interior, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of colours, floor materials, lighting, and most importantly – the equipment that will be used in the premises of the center. They can be separated into zones: medical rooms, laboratory, and diagnostics and training area. Each of these zones has different requirements for equipment with special attention to the privacy of the patients being tested, their safety and keeping the space clean.

Статья научная
This paper focuses on the initial steps in preparing a scientific concept out-line, with a particular emphasis on the process of formulating the problem and de-termining the research subject. The aim of the research is to analyze the key steps and strategies that researchers need to apply in this early stage of the research process to ensure clarity, relevance, and feasibility of their research plans. Basic con-cepts and definitions related to problem formulation are explored, emphasizing the importance of accurately identifying the research problem to be investigated. Vari-ous methods and techniques that researchers can use in the process of formulating the problem and determining the research subject are analyzed. Examples of best practices and case studies are presented to illustrate the application of these met-hods in different scientific disciplines.

Application of marketing processes and tools as an imperative of the modern market
Статья научная
The book Marketing, authored by Bozidar Milenovic and Milijanka Ratkovic, covers all important topics in this field. Marketing is a comprehensive textbook that dispels illusions about marketing as an "omnipotent force" of con-sumer society and sheds light on the laws of supply and demand on a scientific basis, processed in such a way that related disciplines participate in them in an optimal way, from which it can be concluded that this is a serious and complex content. which provides answers to many insufficiently treated topics. The authors, excellent experts in marketing both from the point of view of theory and practice, present modern marketing as a way to achieve a new paradigm of marketing as a more res-ponsible, directed and less invasive tool to achieve success in the market in the sense that meet the more subtle needs of consumers through a more responsible design of the offer. Therefore, this book is not intended exclusively for students, but is suitable reading for proven experts, professional managers and everyone else who wants to learn but also to confirm their knowledge in this field. It is written in a clear and concise style, with numerous examples from the real business world and life that vividly evoke marketing strategies that various companies have successfully or unsuccessfully applied at some point in their development. This textbook gives a look at the most modern marketing trends and application in real time and real business environment, especially with emphasis on the domestic business environ-ment. All of these contents certainly indicate that Marketing deserves the full reader's attention of a narrowly professional audience, scientific workers in this field as well as students eager for new knowledge.