Microflora's sterilization of air premises with the recharge of particles

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191023, Saint-Petersburg, Sadovaya street, 21. There is substantiated possibility of use of electrofield impacts on air microflora (single living bacterial cells and spores of allergenic fungi) of living accommodations for the purpose of its inactivation in article. It is shown impossibility of application of direct or impulse current flowing effects for sterilization of biologically active aero disperse systems (bioaerosols) in the water environments containing microorganisms, which often used for these purposes. The results of the pilot studies showing possibility of a highly effective inactivation of biological particles as a result of their charging and a recharge in a stream through consistently connected cameras with the corona discharge of opposite signs are given. Values of parameters of devices (digit currents, speed of movement of a stream and others), necessary for realization of a way are received.


Bioaerosol, sterilization, corona discharge, charging and recharge of particles, indoor air

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148186139

IDR: 148186139

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