Platonov's short stories of the early 20th as a stylistic kernel of the individual author myth

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In the present paper Platonov's fiction and political essays of the early 20th are considered as an ideological and intonational background of further writer's works. The dramatic concept of Platonov's works is based on the encounter of different stylistic layers: on the one hand, folk talk, slang, the rhythm of folk humorous rhyme, and on the other hand, the «sublime» romantic literature style. A short story «Apalitych» is analyzed in detail, where both rhythm-intonation complexes first appear in the same text. This gives its structure some resemblance with the musical sonata form.

Thematic kernel, variation, exaggeration, intonation, rhythm, humor, philosophy, romanticism, phisiologicism, stylistic mesalliance, mythologicism

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