The clash of civilizations as an example of the phenomenon of culture shock: a typological analysis

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The article is devoted to the problem of s cultural systems collision, ac-tual today as a negative kind of cultural interaction. The phenomenon of cul-tural shock becomes a result of similar collisions. Within a perspective of re-search value of cultural shock in the context of the philosophical concept of multiculturalism is studied. The article’s purpose is to give the definition of cultural shock, to reveal typology of collision of cultural systems in interac-tion processes with each other. During research it was revealed that cultural shock is a complex of physical and emotional reactions of both the certain individual, and the whole community of people which is expressed in the formation of a mental break in the consciousness structure arising owing to collision of various cultures. It is analyzed that the main signs of cultural shock are stressful state, feeling of loss, rejection of alien culture, partial desocialization, feeling of inferiority. This article takes as a basis K. Oberg, B. K. Malinovsky, E. Toffler’s theories, partly P. Sloterdayk. It is shown that the phenomenon of cultural shock often met in expansion of the West Euro-pean civilization and had huge influence on a set of the events connected with the history of collisions of civilizations.


Culture shock, future shock, cultural integration, cultural system, multiculturalism

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IDR: 140205672

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