Strategic aspects of management of the regional industrial complex, considering the innovative nature of Russia’s defense needs

Автор: Sviridov A.S., Ovcharov A.A., Budkova S.V.

Журнал: Вестник Академии права и управления @vestnik-apu

Рубрика: Вопросы экономики и управления

Статья в выпуске: 4-1 (75), 2023 года.

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The purpose of this article is to study the strategic aspects of managing the regional industrial complex, taking into account the innovative nature of Russia’s defense needs. To achieve this goal, the authors used methods that make it possible to implement a systematic approach (analysis, generalization, classification), as well as methods of retrospective analysis of economic phenomena, methods of structuring statistical and managerial information, methods of strategic planning in the process of determining priority strategies for innovative development of the Russian defense complex. It is said that the potential for the development of defense industrial complexes located on the territory of Russia is different, and therefore it is impossible to determine a single universal strategy for innovative development for all defense enterprises and for all regions of Russia engaged in solving tasks related to increasing the level of defense capability of the country. At the same time, high ratings of the innovativeness of regional defense complexes directly correlate with the overall rating position of the innovativeness of the regions of Russia, which allows us to conclude that high indicators of the innovativeness of regional development determine high indicators of the innovativeness of the defense industry. The authors conclude that currently in Russia there is an urgent need to modernize the enterprises of the defense complex in order to produce innovative military products capable of meeting the needs of the armed forces, taking into account modern trends in the technologization of combat operations. And that in solving this task, the main place is given to regional industrial management structures, which should contribute to the development of the defense complex through the creation of an innovative space for the economic development of regions.


Defense industry, regions, rating, innovation, technological structure, strategy, model, potential

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129527   |   DOI: 10.47629/2074-9201_2023_4.1_134_141

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