Strategic priorities of a classical university: mission content analysis

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The article falls under research category. Methodologically it is based on theoretical image of classical university social functions formulated by "university idea". The main research method was mission content analysis. Research covered missions of 47 universities members of classical universities association. Content analysis performed two interrelated functions. The first task is to define the share of classical university main functions: teaching, research, professional, social, cultural and didactic. The second task is identifying strategic priorities on the stage of implementing abovementioned functions. The results of research demonstrated leading positions of teaching and research functions, significant role of professional function and considerable lag of didactic function. The most pronounced strategic priority in implementing teaching function is university functioning as an educational center of the region. By implementing research function university classical university is developing towards science pragmatization, innovative results of academic research. Social and cultural function is aimed at preserving cultural and spiritual traditions. Didactic function is implemented via other university functions. There is a stable tendency oriented towards personal and intellectual growth, leadership and competitiveness of students. The weak point of classical university strategic policy is service function implementation allowing university to remain competitive at educational services market. University expert activities which allow university to expand its influence over development of economic, political and social life of the country are almost unseen. Entrepreneurial function should also be developed. Entrepreneurial function development strategy is related to creating environment for intellectually gifted and mobile lecturers. In terms of cross-cultural cooperation attention should be paid to strategy of cultural exchange, as it is frequently limited to cultural dialogue. Moral development of students is not sufficiently emphasized in didactic sphere. The topic of morals should come back to the university and find its modern interpretation. This research results can be applied in reviewing university functions according to the challenges of time.


Mission, strategy, function, content analysis, "university idea"

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IDR: 142227162

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