Strict avalanche criterion of four-valued functions as the quality characteristic of cryptographic algorithms strength

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The S-box is the most important component of modern cryptographic algorithms which largely determines the quality of cryptographic transformation. The modern method of estimating the S-boxes quality employs their representation as component Boolean functions to which cryptographic quality criteria are applied. Such criteria include: nonlinearity, correlation immunity, an error propagation criterion, and a strict avalanche criterion. Nevertheless, it is obvious that a cryptanalyst is not constrained in the ways of representing the cipher components, in particular, using the functions of many-valued logic. The design features of modern cryptographic algorithms allow their representation in the form of 4-logic functions, which determines the need to research cryptographic properties of the S-boxes represented as component 4-functions. In the literature today there are methods for measuring the nonlinearity of 4-functions; nevertheless, there are no similar methods for researching the differential properties of 4-functions, in particular, involving their compliance with the strict avalanche criterion. In this paper the strict avalanche criterion is generalized to the case of 4-functions and the compliance of the S-boxes component 4-functions of the “Magma” cryptoalgorithm to the strict avalanche criterion has been researched. All balanced 4-functions of length N = 16 satisfying the strict avalanche criterion were synthesized using the restricted brute-force method. The basic properties of the constructed class of 4-functions are determined, and bijective S-boxes based on them are constructed. It has been established that S-boxes of length N = 16 satisfying the strict avalanche criterion, both in terms of component Boolean functions and in terms of 4-functions, also possess optimal nonlinear properties. This circumstance allows us to recommend S-boxes satisfying the strict avalanche criterion of component 4-functions for use in modern cryptographic algorithms.


S-блок, many-valued logic functions, strict avalanche criterion, s-box

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IDR: 148321909   |   DOI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2019-20-2-183-190

Список литературы Strict avalanche criterion of four-valued functions as the quality characteristic of cryptographic algorithms strength

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