Structure of lexical and semantic field “evil”

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The article describes lexical semantic field “Evil” on the material of English adjectives. Using the methods of definitional and contextual analysis allows us to state that lexical semantic field “Evil” has all the characteristic features of a lexical semantic field - hierarchical structure, blurred boundaries and specificity of its elements for each language. Adjectives of lexical semantic field “Evil” express characteristics of a person and his emotional state, maliciousness of actions, absence of positive qualities (pity, mercy, kindness, sensitivity to other people’s feelings, understanding), evaluation of people, phenomena or circumstances. On the basis of the conducted research close connection of this field with philosophical and religious aspects is revealed, as well as symbolism of its elements, tendency to a wide combination of its elements with objects, which are atypical for their semantics and, as a result, to obtaining evaluative meaning.


Lexical and semantic field (lsf), lexical and semantic variant, nucleus, periphery, evil

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IDR: 148328284   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V925X.24.01.P.104

Список литературы Structure of lexical and semantic field “evil”

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