Structure of one-dimensional standing MHD waves in the dayside plasmasphere and at its boundary

Автор: Polyakov A.R.

Журнал: Солнечно-земная физика @solnechno-zemnaya-fizika

Статья в выпуске: 23, 2013 года.

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The method of correlation functions of amplitude and phase fluctuations (CFAP) has been used to process oscillations obtained numerically for the model of standing MHD waves in a flat rectangular resonator. Given different model parameters, the interval between two adjacent peaks of correlation functions Δ for isotropic waves of fast magnetoacoustic mode is determined only by the first harmonic frequency of one of possible one-dimensional standing waves. The CFAP method has been applied to processing real (not simulated) records of geomagnetic disturbances for the first time. Distributions of periods of the first harmonic of the standing wave have been obtained as the final product for stations Borok and Mondy. It turned out that all characteristic values of these periods corresponded completely to the known MHD waves in the plasmasphere and on its boundary.


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