Study and evaluation of morpho-anatomical characteristics of the leaves of tomato plant varieties and hybrids

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This article has been investigated and evaluated by studying the specification of anatomical structure of the sort samples of tomatoes. Studies have shown that anatomical indicators mainly have a great importance in learning of drought resistance, determining the origins of the different varieties, choosing of hybrid plants in selection work of the size and number of stomata, and total thickness of the leaves. Studying of anatomical characters of tomato sort samples and hybrids plants has shown that learning of the total thickness of the leaf and the size of number of stomata has a certain importance in selection of hybrid plants. It is defined that in sort samples which their cuticle layer is thick, water evaporation decreases, and they become resistible to illness. So, the sample of Volgograd 5/95, 82 and 90 in upper epidermis and the sample of 93 in lower epidermis were differed for the thickness of cuticle layer. As results of studies, it has been identified that chlorenchyma present in the sort samples predominant for differing according to the total thickness of the leaf. Moreover, studying of the leaf cells has shown that the evaporation of water is higher in the leaves which the number of stomatas is more, and the epidermis cells are few, for that reason, the leaves of Solanum pimpinellifolium L. (wild form) are in thin needle shaped in order to reduce the transpiration. Exactly for this reason, it’s recommended to use the wild form as a donor in conducting the future selection work.


Tomatoes, varieties, hybrids, morphology, anatomy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129702   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/100/27

Список литературы Study and evaluation of morpho-anatomical characteristics of the leaves of tomato plant varieties and hybrids

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