Study of the kinetics structure formation of cement dispersed systems. Part II

Автор: Evgenij V. Korolev, Anna N. Grishina, Aleksandr S. Inozemtcev, Arkady M. Ayzenshtadt

Журнал: Нанотехнологии в строительстве: научный интернет-журнал @nanobuild

Рубрика: Строительное материаловедение

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.14, 2022 года.

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Introduction. The study of the kinetics structure formation is rarely the subject of a careful study. Although it is important for materials used to create elements of building structures, energy elements, thermoelements and materials for other purposes. The article proposes refinements of the methodology for determining the parameters of the kinetics structure formation of cement composites, including modified compositions. Methods and materials. The structure formation of cement systems with plasticizers, microsized mineral additives (hydrosilicates of barium, copper, iron and zinc) and nanosized particles of zinc hydrosilicates has been studied. Results and discussion. It is proposed to single out two stages of initial structure formation: the stage of setting the cement paste and the stage of hardening. It was found that the strength of the material at the stage of hardening should be influenced by an additional factor, depending on the type of the introduced substance. A strong negative relationship between the parameters α and n of the equation R(t) = Rmax(1–eatn) at the hardening stage was confirmed. The trends identified at the setting stage also demonstrated, namely: an increase in the rate of structure formation leading to the formation of a less dense structure. Conclusions. An analysis of the change in the value of the internal dimension of the system during the transition from the stage of setting to the stage of hardening made it possible to identify two trajectories of the system development. The first trajectory appears only by combining the elements of the structure (trajectory No. 1). Preservation of the characteristic dimensions of structural elements, but an increase in the proportion of elements with small dimensions (when the conditions that prevent the combination of elements of the structure are realized) describes the second trajectory (trajectory No. 2). The implementation of trajectory No. 2 is typical for compositions which the structure formation of cement stone is carried out in the presence of Melment F15G plasticizer or microsized particles of copper or zinc. For other studied compositions, structure formation is proceeding with the enlargement of structural elements.


Cement binder, cement hydration, structure formation, plasticizer, hydrosilicate

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142234640   |   DOI: 10.15828/2075-8545-2022-14-4-263-273

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