Study of the payload extraction trajectory heavy class carrier rocket

Автор: Bordachev V.A., Kolga V.V.

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.25, 2024 года.

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As the weight and complexity of the payload that needs to be launched into orbit increases, the relevance of rational trajectory selection to ensure maximum efficiency and minimum costs for delivering the payload to a given orbit increases. Rational choice of the trajectory of a heavy-class launch vehicle has a number of important practical applications. Firstly, it allows you to increase the payload capacity of the launch vehicle and reduce the cost of delivering payload to the target orbit. This is especially important in the context of the development of the space industry, when more and more companies and organizations are showing interest in launching their own satellites and other spacecraft in conditions of fierce economic competition. Choosing a rational trajectory for launching a payload into orbit will significantly reduce the cost of launches and make them available to a wider range of potential customers. Secondly, the choice of launch vehicle trajectory parameters is important for ensuring safety and minimizing risks during spacecraft launches. Thanks to the rational choice of trajectory, it is possible to reduce adverse impacts on the environment and eliminate the possibility of emergency situations associated with loss of control over the flight of the launch vehicle. Rational selection of launch vehicle trajectory parameters is a complex task that requires comprehensive research and consideration of various factors, such as aerodynamic parameters of the atmosphere, mass and characteristics of the payload (spacecraft), engine operating parameters, characteristics of the target orbit, features of the launch of the launch vehicle and many other factors. A more thorough and systematic study of the influence of these parameters will significantly improve the efficiency and reliability of launching spacecraft into orbit. Thus, the choice of rational parameters for the launch vehicle trajectory is a relevant and important topic for scientific research. Increasing the rocket's payload capacity, reducing the cost of delivering a spacecraft to a given orbit, and ensuring launch safety are tasks that depend on the chosen shape and parameters of the rocket's trajectory. Such research has important practical significance and can become the basis for the development of new technologies and methods in the space industry. The purpose of the study is to study and select rational parameters for the trajectory of a heavy-class launch vehicle when launching a payload. The main task is to determine the flight path parameters that will allow achieving maximum efficiency and accuracy in delivering the payload to a given orbit. To achieve the goal of the study, the analysis of various factors influencing the launch parameters of the spacecraft is required, such as structural and aerodynamic characteristics of the rocket, the influence of aerodynamic factors and the Earth’s gravitational field on the flight path. Taking these factors into account, numerical calculations were carried out on the basis of a system of differential equations of motion using a computer program created in the MAPLE software package. Based on the calculations, modeling of the shape and parameters of the launch vehicle flight path was carried out. Research results. During the study, the rational parameters of the trajectory of a heavy-class launch vehicle were selected. The calculations were carried out using numerical modeling of the parameters of payload launch trajectories, and the analysis of the resulting trajectories was carried out. Minimizing the rocket's flight time was identified as the main criterion for the rational choice of a trajectory, which allows increasing launch efficiency and saving energy resources. An increase in payload mass and minimization of fuel consumption were adopted as additional criteria. Conclusion. The procedure for choosing rational parameters for the trajectory of a heavy-class launch vehicle proposed in this work will improve the delivery accuracy and reliability of spacecraft launches at the stage of ballistic analysis when designing rockets. The results of the study have practical significance for the development of future heavy-lift launch vehicle missions and improving the efficiency of space launches.


Launch vehicle, rocket engine, payload injection trajectory, spacecraft, orbit

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329725   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-1-68-84

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