Studying the condition of irrigated land in the Mil-Mughan economic region

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The article examines the current reclamation state of irrigated lands in the Mil-Mughan economic region. There are favorable conditions for irrigation and growing heat-loving crops. However, the development of irrigated agriculture here is limited by soil salinity, which is widespread in the study area over quite large areas. Thick layers of soil and groundwater are susceptible to salinization. Conventionally, the territory is suitable for irrigation in hydrogeological and reclamation terms.

Soil and subsoil, subsoil waters, solonetz-alkali soils, solonetzicity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129878   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/100/36

Список литературы Studying the condition of irrigated land in the Mil-Mughan economic region

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