Style and stylistics: fundamentals

Автор: Mekhriban B.B.

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 12-1 (79), 2020 года.

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Stylistics is a systematic way of exploring a literary text especially the language of a text and tries to explain how language creates meaning, style and certain effect. The study of stylistics is considered as one of the significant tools to analyze a literary piece from the point of view of language. There are a number of scholars who are engaged in the interpretation of different genres of literature such as prose, poetry, drama, short story and one-act-play with the help of Stylistics. The interpretation of poetry is possible with the help of some of the important terms in stylistics.

Style, stylistics, literature, classical, investigation, rhetoric, poetic

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IDR: 140258052

Список литературы Style and stylistics: fundamentals

  • Bakhtin М. Слово о романе. Retrieved June 12, 2013.http://www. umer. Info/BiliotekBuks/Literat/bahtin/slovr om.php.
  • Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner‘s Dictionary of Current English 6th edition, Oxford University Press,2000
  • Арнольд И.В. Стилистика. Современный английский язык: Учебное пособие. - Москва: Флинта, Наука, 2002. - 384 с.
  • Lehtsalu U., Liiv. G. Mutt O, An introduction to the English Stylistics 1973 151p.
  • Prasannata Ramtirthe, Style and stylistics: an overview. Pune research world, an international journal of interdisciplinary studies, Vol-I issue 4, 2017.
  • Bakhtin М. Слово о романе. Retrieved June 12, 2013.http://www. umer. Info/BiliotekBuks/Literat/bahtin/slovr om.php
  • Encyclopedia Britannica
  • The Burns Encyclopedia online
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